Castlebar St Patricks Parade 2023

The theme for the Castlebar St. Patrick’s Parade 2023 is: ‘Castlebar Our All Inclusive Town’. This is to celebrate the progress being made in turning Castlebar into an Autism Friendly Town.

This year the Parade will include a Quiet Street section where those with with additional sensory needs can enjoy the parade.

We are looking for Volunteers who would be willing to help out for a couple of hours on St. Patrick’s Day to Steward/Marshal this section of the Parade route.

The Parade commences at 2.00pm from An Sportlann, while the Quiet Street section will be situated at Chapel St.

If you have a couple hours to spare on St. Patrick’s Day please register your interest on: or contact me directly.

Kind regards,

Vincent McHale
Placement Officer
Mayo Volunteer Centre
Tel: 087 7555899