September proved to be a very busy month for Gráine Mhaol Dragons, taking part for 2 days at the IDBA regatta at the beautiful spot that is Lough Rinn, Climbing Croagh Patrick 5 days in a row to raise money for the new roof on our boat compound, taking the Castlebar Kayak Club and Marjorie out for a spin on the Dragon boats and hosting the Helming course for the Ballina Dragons at Lough Lannagh. We were pooped.

Along came October when we finished up our Tues evening paddling sessions so things were slowing right down BUT then along came November where we had our finishing up cuppa in Lough Lannagh House with Paul and the team,The Kayak Club joined us for this lovely morning. The roof was constructed at the compound.We had a very successful flag Day in Castlebar the following Saturday after our last paddle of the season and a week later Helen arranged for 32 of us to take part in a ‘sip and dip’  art evening with fab food from Mill lane. This was held upstairs in Bridge Street Bar, perfect venue for having a fun event