Gráine Mhaols Autumn Trip to Cong and beyond

Gráine Mhaols Autumn Trip to Cong and beyond


Sunday 1st September ’24 was selected for our second social outing of the year.  Thankfully the weather was very kind to us, and the sun shone through the clouds.  We started off with a photoshoot with us alongside Hollywood star John Wayne. We all wanted to be picked up by this Hollywood legend, but another Hollywood legend  Maureen O’Hara was already occupying pride of place in his arms. We left them both where we found them, beside the abbey in Cong Village.  Everyone arrived on time and we proceeded through the abbey and grounds, where the last High King of Ireland, Rory O Connor lived for the final years of his life and reign. We then ventured over the beautiful Corrib River where we stopped to admire the Monk’s Fishing House.  It was here that the monks from the abbey spent time in prayer and meditation and, at the same time, tried out their fishing skills.  Angela Dempsey headed up the Walk through the forest of a great variety of trees including Silver Fir, Douglas fir, Sitka Spruce, Scots pine, Coast redwoods, giant sequoia, Monterey pine and many other coniferous and deciduous trees.

We passed “Teach Aille” cave which is reputed to have been used by the monks as a fridge due to its low temperatures in the Summer.  “Pigeon Hole Cave” was next to be explored and as true adventurers we descended the stone steps into the bowels of the earth.  The water flowing at the bottom is actually the waters of Lough Mask travelling underground towards Lough Corrib.

Angela, keeping an eye on the clock, while reminding us that “time and tide waits for no man,”  beckoned us to the surface and off we went back through the forest and on to the exquisite grounds of Ashford Castle. There we were greeted at the bridge entrance to the castle by Patrick Luskin, our tour guide and skipper, with his boat the Isle of Inishfree.

All happily seated on top deck, we sailed out Lough Corrib in absolute awe at the beauty of the lake and its surroundings.  With Ashford Castle to our backs, we headed on out to the historic Inchagoill Island.

The name is derived from “Inis an Ghaill Crabhthigh” meaning the Island of the devout foreigner.  Dating back to the 5th century AD, the island served as a site for an early Christian religious settlement. Legend has it that the “Devout Foreigner” is none other than St. Patrick himself, who is said to have established one of the island’s two churches.

Alongside St. Patricks church is the 12th century Church of the Saints, and beside that again is the tomb of Muirgheas O’ Nioc, Archbishop of Tuam who died here in 1128.

Ann Bourke created a sensation when she felt “vibes” from the Stone of Lugnaedon, a 6th century standing stone which lies between both churches. Well, we all had to have a go, but unfortunately the stone was only connecting with Ann.

We then ambled about and visited the 6 cottages, now in ruins and  beautifully situated by the water’s edge.  Patrick, our skipper told us to take as long as we liked as long as it wasn’t any more than 5 minutes, so we returned to the boat and made our way home, and with Ashford Castle coming into view, Patrick related the history of the Castle and its owners.

With our bellies calling to us (absolutely roaring with hunger) we headed to Tí Búrca in Clonbur for dinner.  They did not let us down, the meal was delicious, accompanied with live traditional music in the bar.    We departed Tí Búrca with an air of satisfaction.   The mix of history, nature, and camaraderie really shone through our day.

Another successful excursion for the Grainne Mhaol Dragon Boat Social Group!

Gráine Mhaol welcome HERS outdoors ladies

Gráine Mhaol welcome HERS outdoors ladies

August 12th to 18th is HERS outdoors week and Gráine Mhaol Dragons are running 3 sessions for ladies to come and try dragon boating for this week. The first session was on Tues 13th and 13 ladies turned up for the event. The girls were put through their paces with instruction and demonstration before getting the boat on the water. They definitely had their weetabix that morning because each of them responded very well to all the commands etc on the boat. Not one of them bashed their paddle off the paddle behind and that is a complete success for a first time paddling group! Sat a.m.17th will have 2 sessions, the first one being at 9 a.m and the second one is at 9.45a.m. The first session again is for all women in the community that would like to give it a try and the second session is for our International ladies, living in the community. The Club are so happy to have all these new ladies on board to share in the fun and the pure joy that is Dragon boating.

When the Dragons met the Pirate Queen

When the Dragons met the Pirate Queen

32 of the Gráine Mhaol Dragon boat club hit the Quay, Westport on June 9th where we met the fantastic Muriel with her amazing wealth of knowledge of all things Westport. Muriel gave us a brief talk on the area and we took off from there into the grounds of the magnificent Westport House. Walking through the grounds we stopped off at the statue of our idol Grace O Malley – Grainne Mhaol / Granuaile , the Pirate Queen from whom we took our name. After a brisk half an hour walk, we arrived at the Wyatt Hotel in the town of Westport, where we had a fab meal , great food, service and value.

During the meal Muriel gave us a very interesting account of the history of Westport in detail and it completely opened our eyes as to how historically important the town and it’s forefathers have been, to shape the times we now live in. Fed and watered, we took to the hoof again for another brisk walk out to the Quay to where our cruise on Clew Bay was to take off from.

Westport Cruises took us out around the bay with Tom King at the Helm, guiding us around the many points and Islands. He highlighted all the places of interest and gave the historical account of Westport from a sea faring point of view. He brought us to the seal colony and also to see John Lennons Island and told us the interesting story of that little spot. No more than Muriel,Tom is a very good story teller so he made the journey very interesting and even the ‘soft damp’ weather didn’t affect the experience, with nearly half the group out on deck for the trip! Oh what a hardy bunch, they are. Photos of the day can be viewed in Gallery.

Plurabelle Visit kick starts the season

Plurabelle Visit kick starts the season

Earlier than usual, our lovely friends from the Grand Canal Basin came to Lough Lannagh for a visit. The ladies left a snow white Dublin on March 1st to arrive in a wet with sunny spells Castlebar. All the seasons in one day!

We had a great paddle on the lake with the 2 boats out, on Sat a.m and the boats were mixed with club members from both Clubs.

We followed on from there into the Cafe at Lough Lannagh for Pauls amazing scones and coffee. It was here that the Plurabelles presented us with an original paddle from when the Plurabelles first set up. It is a wooden paddle with the Club logo on it and it was surprisingly very light.

Some of the girls couldn’t resist the call of Croagh Patrick, so off they went and rounded off their day with climbing the mountain.

Lovely as always having the girls in Mayo, maybe this year we will get to visit them at their home on the Grand Canal.

It was a Wet, not Windy, nearly Warm, definitely Wonderful a.m. on the water

It was a Wet, not Windy, nearly Warm, definitely Wonderful a.m. on the water

Gráine Mhaol Dragons got off to a great start for 2024 with a nice sized crew and loads of enthusiasm and a chance to try out our new compound cover and it did not disappoint ♥ Lots of plans for the Year, so let’s get this party started. New members are very welcome and after 2 sessions be hooked on Irelands fastest growing new sport. Regattas for the Club this year, include Athy in May, Carlow in June and Lough Rinn in September.