When the Dragons met the Pirate Queen

When the Dragons met the Pirate Queen

32 of the Gráine Mhaol Dragon boat club hit the Quay, Westport on June 9th where we met the fantastic Muriel with her amazing wealth of knowledge of all things Westport. Muriel gave us a brief talk on the area and we took off from there into the grounds of the magnificent Westport House. Walking through the grounds we stopped off at the statue of our idol Grace O Malley – Grainne Mhaol / Granuaile , the Pirate Queen from whom we took our name. After a brisk half an hour walk, we arrived at the Wyatt Hotel in the town of Westport, where we had a fab meal , great food, service and value.

During the meal Muriel gave us a very interesting account of the history of Westport in detail and it completely opened our eyes as to how historically important the town and it’s forefathers have been, to shape the times we now live in. Fed and watered, we took to the hoof again for another brisk walk out to the Quay to where our cruise on Clew Bay was to take off from.

Westport Cruises took us out around the bay with Tom King at the Helm, guiding us around the many points and Islands. He highlighted all the places of interest and gave the historical account of Westport from a sea faring point of view. He brought us to the seal colony and also to see John Lennons Island and told us the interesting story of that little spot. No more than Muriel,Tom is a very good story teller so he made the journey very interesting and even the ‘soft damp’ weather didn’t affect the experience, with nearly half the group out on deck for the trip! Oh what a hardy bunch, they are. Photos of the day can be viewed in Gallery.

Four Members attend Barcelona International Dragon Fest

Four Members attend Barcelona International Dragon Fest

Club members, Inara, Audrey, Tadgh and Anne travelled all the way to Barcelona to attend the 5th Barcelona Dragon Boat Festival.  The gang had a great time competing in a number of the races and fun activities.

This year the festival had 900 participants from 40 clubs.  The event is run on the Canal Olímpic which was built for the 1992 Olympic Games. It’s one of the best sports venues in Europe for kayaking and other water sports. Several local Dragon Boat events have been hosted at this magnific venue.


18 & 19 MAY 2024 · CASTELLDEFELS

Visit barcelona dragon boat festival here

Athy, First Regatta of the Year

Athy, First Regatta of the Year

Our Ukrainian friends help with preparations for Athy, pictured with the ornate Dragon’s Head for the bow of the boat.

The first event of the year, the Athy Dragon Boat Regatta  took place on Sun, 5th May 2024.  The Athy Regatta is held on the River Barrow, Emily Square, Athy, Co Kildare.  The Gráine Mhaol club attend this regatta every year.

The weather in Athy was fabulous and the day was very enjoyable.  The Club had a great performance this year and continue to improve each year.

A large selection of photos were taken of preparing for the regatta and in Athy.  Photos were taken by paddlers and our member, Adrienn Hártó.  The photos are now available for viewing on our website PHOTO GALLERY.




Advanced Paddling Course a huge Success

Advanced Paddling Course a huge Success

A big thanks to Julie and Mick, Louise, the committee and all involved in running today’s course.   Also thanks to Mayo Sports Partnership and the Castlebar Adventure Hub.

Members agreed we all learned loads and hopefully we will improve our paddling technique and ace the Athy Regatta!

Thanks to Lough Lannagh for providing a super lunch.


Adris was club photographer on the day, check out her excellent photos in our Photo Gallery – click on link below


Extra exercises for Dragon Boaters at home – link from by Adris  https://dragonanalytics.com.au/exercises-for-dragon-boaters-at-home/

The Club looks forward to Advanced Paddling Workshop

The Club looks forward to Advanced Paddling Workshop

With the support of Mayo Sports Partnership, the Club has extended an invitation to Julie Doyle, Vice President of the Irish Dragon Boat Federation, to conduct an Advanced Dragon Boat Paddler Workshop. The course has received an overwhelming response, reaching full capacity quickly and necessitating the creation of a waiting list due to high demand.

31 Gráine Mhaol Dragons will take part this Saturday (April 13th) this has been made possible by Mayo Sports Partnership.

Members will participate in an extensive course.  It will commence at 9.00am and run until 4.30pm on Saturday.   To maximise numbers, paddlers will be rotated in and out on the day.

There will be classroom/land sessions and water based sessions.  Julie will cover paddling techniques, timing accuracy, land drills and paddling drills.  Other areas will include:

  • What makes a boat go faster?
  • Pushing yourself to the limit / Pain Tolerance
  • Mind over matter
  • Dragon boat start sequence

Julie will video groups of paddlers on the boat and review each individual’s paddling technique.  She will also run a run a Helm Test on the day.

Soup and sandwiches for lunch will be provided at no charge to members.

Our club and members extend a heartfelt thank you to MAYO SPORTS PARTNERSHIP for their generous sponsorship of this Advanced Padding course.