The Dragons hit the Island

The Dragons hit the Island

Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club had their first social outing of the year, on a lovely sunny day in Achill.

It started off with a swim in the beautiful water of Silver strand in Dugort. Dugort village is steeped in history  and it is a perfect place to unwind and relax as you feel that you have stepped back in time with the easy going pace on this part of Achill Island.

When all the swimming and coffee drinking finished, Inara did a little ‘Warm up’ with the group. It was a fun excercise that got everyone in the mood for the day.

Off we went from Achill Rovers soccer pitch, out around the headland, following the waymarkers and led by Maura. We walked for an hour and 15 mins and arrived at The Valley House (only 3/4 of an hour late!)

We met the fabulous Bríd at the House where in the courtyard she told us the factual and fictional stories of the infamous Yellow Lady/Veiled Lady and the Playboy. It was fascinating to hear the story but of course all the more interesting when you hear the fictional add-ons.

We went into the bar then to have some ‘light’ refreshments before Pat and his team at Valley House called us in for our dinner. It certainly wasn’t easy for them, having 32 hungry Dragons descend on them but they managed us all very well.

It was a perfect ending to the perfect day, the food was excellent, we were all happy with ourselves, had great chats, explored parts of Mayo that most had never been to and we will definitely BE BACK.

Many thanks to Teresa Cowley for her amazing organising for this outing and to Maura Walsh for leading and to all the Dragons that were there on the day, to mke it so special. Many thanks also to Bríd and Pat at Valley House for feeding our minds and our bellies.


Getting on Top of it

Getting on Top of it

OPW, Cllr .Ger Deere and Mayo County Council are on top of the weeds this year and what a fantastic job they have made.

The weeds in the water this time of year is and has been a problem at many lakes the length and breadth of the County but for Lough Lannagh, at the heart of Castlebar, it has been a huge inconvenience over the years with all the water sports enthusiasts and the many other users of this fantastic facility.

Weather has played a big part in affecting when this clearing happens each year but this year they team were on the ball and did a fantastic job before the weeds became a problem.

We at The Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club are so thankful to all involved as it makes what we do , a lot easier and sure who doesn’t like a bit of easy

Ballina Dragons come to Castlebar

Ballina Dragons come to Castlebar

On Tues 13th June, a large group of Men and Women from Ballina came to Lough Lannagh for their first paddling session. While it was only on land, due to Thunder and Lightning, they had great fun and a little taste of what is yet to come.

This eager bunch are setting up a Dragon boat Club in Ballina, Co.Mayo and it will mean that there will be 2 clubs in the county. GMDBC are looking forward to many more meet ups with their Ballina Buddies.
Ballina Dragons come to Castlebar for training session
In the photograph, Louise is showing the group how to sit in the boat and the technique that is used when paddling.

Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club wish Pat, Denise and all the gang the best of luck in the process.

Dragons in the Valley – Loop Walk Achill

Dragons in the Valley – Loop Walk Achill

Valley Loop Walk Achill Sunday 9th July 2023

The Social Committee (Helen/Maura/Teresa) would like to invite club members on the afternoon of Sunday 9th July to a delightful event filled with Sea, Sand, Faeries and Folklore on the beautiful beaches and headlands of the Golden Strand Beach, Dugort, Achill Island.

Valley House Achill

If you would like to partake of a swim before the walk , please arrive At 3pm to Masterson’s Bar Car park. We will then proceed at 4pm with an enchanting one hour walk across the beautiful beaches and head for the infamous Valley House where refreshments are available.  There while resting/dining you will listen to the history of the house and the area especially the tales of “The Playboy and The Yellow Lady”, a tale of intrigue, arson and murderous intent.

Valley house Faerie trail

You can also visit the magical woodland Faerie Trail with Irish folk tales, faerie villages, faerie rings, leprechauns and much more (cost €3pp).

We will then proceed on the loop walk back to the parking area of Masterson’s Bar. The Valley Loop Walk is 8.5km and classed as easy. Please say “yes” if you would like to join us on this wonderful magical experience.


Goodbye to our good friend Josie

Goodbye to our good friend Josie

Our funny, kind, friendly, happy breath of fresh air is now paddling with the angels. Rest in peace Josie. X😢

Club members were very upset to hear of the passing of Josie Ruane.  Members had such fond members of Josie, her fabulous positive attitude, a lovely lady full of fun (RIP).  Our thoughts are with Josie’s family and friends.

The Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club formed a guard of honour with Rocks ‘n’ Roses Choir for the funeral of Josie Ruane from Breaffy.

The video below is provided by the Connaught Telegraph.


Midwest Radio obituaries