Try Dragon Boating on Lough Lannagh – Something Different! A new way to get fit and have fun

Try Dragon Boating on Lough Lannagh – Something Different! A new way to get fit and have fun

Press Release 3/2/2025

Looking for something different? Want a change from your usual workout routine and try an exciting outdoor activity? Castlebar’s Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club is inviting the public to experience a free “Come and Try” session on Lough Lannagh this February.

Dragon Boating, originating from ancient China, is a team sport where a 22-person narrow boat—comprising 20 paddlers, a drummer, and a helm—work together in perfect rhythm. It’s an invigorating workout that builds strength, endurance and coordination, especially in the upper body, while allowing you to train outdoors in nature.

Picture yourself paddling in sync with a team, enjoying the fresh air and gliding across the stunning waters of Lough Lannagh—it’s fitness, camaraderie and fun all in one, offering a unique alternative to traditional exercise.

The Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club was established in 2015 as a cancer survivors’ club, but over time, it expanded to welcome friends and family of survivors, creating a supportive and inclusive community. In February the club is launching a recruitment drive for 2025.

The club offers two types of paddling sessions, Regatta & Fitness Sessions – for those looking for a competitive and more intensive training experience. And Social Paddling Sessions – a less strenuous but still engaging way to stay active and have fun.

The club paddles on Saturday morning and Tuesday evenings from February to November. Throughout the season, members also enjoy social outings, nights out, coffee mornings and home and abroad regattas.


The Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club is open to both men and women, aged 18 and over and beginners are welcome. Paddlers are provided with buoyancy aids so just bring yourself and a sense of adventure!


Come and Try Sessions: Saturday, February 15th & 22nd

To book your place, call Louise at (087) 225 0704 (spaces limited)

Press Release for Connacht Telegraph and Mayo News 3rd February 2025

Committee & Helm’s end of year night out

Committee & Helm’s end of year night out

Mayo Dragons, Committee and Helms meet up at end of 2023 for a meal in the House of Plates.

One of the benefits of being on the committee or being a helm, nudge nudge, wink wink 😁   We had a fab night in House of Plates.

All volunteers and helpers welcome in 2024.

Committee members Marie, Catherine and Kay

Marie, Catherine and Kay in The Bridge at the end of the Committee / Helms night out.

Vivienne, Catherine and Kay finish up the night in the Bridge bar.

Our Ukrainian friends beautiful evening of Culture

Our Ukrainian friends beautiful evening of Culture

Our lovely Ukrainian friends invited Club members to a beautiful evening of Song, Music and Culture on Sunday Nov 26th at 6.30pm  in Macalla Hall, Lough Lannagh holiday Village.  Our super talented friends put on an excellent show.  And the food after the show was delicious.

Two of our Ukrainian friends, Nadiia and Sveta sang ‘Sé mo Laoch’ – well done girls , ye did a fantastic job.  The ladies song featured on the Connaught Telegraph (local newspaper) facebook page! (see below).

Connaught Telegraph – 26th Nov 2023

Our Ukraine friends night of culture in Lough Lannagh Nov 2023

Connaught Telegraph: Members of the Ukraine community in Castlebar singing ‘Irish Song’ at the concert tonight at Lough Lannagh Holiday Village entitled “With Ukraine in Our Hearts.”View Here:


MORE PHOTOS… (click on photos to enlarge)


Nice message from Svitlana

Svita’s nice thank you message on Graine Mhaol whatsapp.

Upcoming Club Events

Upcoming Club Events

APRIL 15th : Julie Doyle from IDBA will run a Helm Training day for the club in Lough Lannagh.  4 members will attend and  2 previously trained helms are due to be signed off.

This course was made possible by Mayo Sports Partnership, who we are very grateful to for their sponsorship of the training.


APRIL 30TH : Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club take part in the first IDBA regatta of the year, which will be held in Athy. A super fun filled day out with loads of craic.

Mayo Dragons will take part in the first IDBA regatta of 2023 in Athy, Co Kildare. A very popular regatta on the Mayo Dragons annual schedule.  This year 17 members are expected to attend.


JUNE (date to be decided) : Annual social hill walk on the Grainuaile Loop Walk , Achill followed by lunch at Alices in The Sound. Great day expected.


SEPT 11TH : Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club will take part in the last IDBA regatta of the year. This year the club are making a weekend of it and staying in the locality of Lough Rinn.

See EVENTS page for full yearly schedule here