Dragons in the Valley – Loop Walk Achill

Dragons in the Valley – Loop Walk Achill

Valley Loop Walk Achill Sunday 9th July 2023

The Social Committee (Helen/Maura/Teresa) would like to invite club members on the afternoon of Sunday 9th July to a delightful event filled with Sea, Sand, Faeries and Folklore on the beautiful beaches and headlands of the Golden Strand Beach, Dugort, Achill Island.

Valley House Achill

If you would like to partake of a swim before the walk , please arrive At 3pm to Masterson’s Bar Car park. We will then proceed at 4pm with an enchanting one hour walk across the beautiful beaches and head for the infamous Valley House where refreshments are available.  There while resting/dining you will listen to the history of the house and the area especially the tales of “The Playboy and The Yellow Lady”, a tale of intrigue, arson and murderous intent.

Valley house Faerie trail

You can also visit the magical woodland Faerie Trail with Irish folk tales, faerie villages, faerie rings, leprechauns and much more (cost €3pp).

We will then proceed on the loop walk back to the parking area of Masterson’s Bar. The Valley Loop Walk is 8.5km and classed as easy. Please say “yes” if you would like to join us on this wonderful magical experience.


Upcoming Club Events

Upcoming Club Events

APRIL 15th : Julie Doyle from IDBA will run a Helm Training day for the club in Lough Lannagh.  4 members will attend and  2 previously trained helms are due to be signed off.

This course was made possible by Mayo Sports Partnership, who we are very grateful to for their sponsorship of the training.


APRIL 30TH : Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club take part in the first IDBA regatta of the year, which will be held in Athy. A super fun filled day out with loads of craic.

Mayo Dragons will take part in the first IDBA regatta of 2023 in Athy, Co Kildare. A very popular regatta on the Mayo Dragons annual schedule.  This year 17 members are expected to attend.


JUNE (date to be decided) : Annual social hill walk on the Grainuaile Loop Walk , Achill followed by lunch at Alices in The Sound. Great day expected.


SEPT 11TH : Gráine Mhaol Dragon Boat Club will take part in the last IDBA regatta of the year. This year the club are making a weekend of it and staying in the locality of Lough Rinn.

See EVENTS page for full yearly schedule here