Irish Dragon Boat Mayo Crew Helm Training Day April 2023

Irish Dragon Boat Mayo Crew Helm Training Day April 2023

Irish Dragon Boat Federation Crew Helm Award – Saturday, 15th April 2023

The training day was given by Julie Doyle – Chairman, Irish Dragon Boat Association,  The trainee helms learned loads and spent an enjoyable day with Julie Doyle.  Saturdays course commenced at 9am and the trainee helms had two paddling sessions with Julie (training and testing).  The course was finished with a controlled capsize.  Well done to the brave souls that volunteered to do the capsize.  We have lots of photos of the day.

Trainee helms will now take the opportunity to put their new skills to use over the next few weeks.  The first session on Tuesday evening’s and the second session on Saturday’s will be a leisure/social paddle and these sessions will be allocated for the new trainee helms (under supervision).

The course was supported by Mayo Sports Partnership and lunch was provided by Lough Lannagh Holiday Village.  A big thanks also to Mayo Civil Defence.

A Note from Louise Killeen to members

Hi All, thank you all so much for taking part/helping out today. It was a very successful day for the club.
We have to say … the paddling was very good and the helming was excellent. We are so proud of you all.  Louise Killeen

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